It Will Always be Home

Today I stopped by my parent’s house for a visit.

Parent’s house

Those words always feel funny in my mouth.

Even though it’s been 7 years since I’ve lived there.  Even though the furniture and pictures have been moved.  Even though my things are no longer scattered all over the house.  Even though I have a house of my own.  I still have a hard time not calling my parent’s house, home

But it will always be my home.

It will always be a place where I feel welcome.  Welcome to visit.  Welcome to stay as long as needed.  Welcome to raid the fridge.

It will always be a place where I feel safe.  Safe to share my opinion.  Safe to cry.  Safe to laugh about the old times.

It will always be a place where I feel free.  Free to by goofy.  Free to be crabby.  Free to be me.

It will always be a place where I feel respected.  Respected for my ideas.  Respected for my choices.  Respected for my differences.

It will always be a place where I feel loved.  Loved despite my mood.  Loved for my flaws.  Loved unconditionally.

No matter how many years have passed or how much it has changed.

It will always be my home.






8 thoughts on “It Will Always be Home”

  1. I have to say that your feelings of home brought a few tears to my eyes because my childhood home hasn’t felt like home since my mother passed away almost 20 years ago. I only hope that my own children feel the same way about the house they have grown up in when they leave the nest.

  2. Incredibly beautiful words that I know should be shared with your family. There is so much more to a home and the feeling you will always have there is definitely shared with your words.

  3. This is so true! I still call my parent’s house “home”, and it only gets confusing sometimes, lol… I love that you can still “raid the fridge”… isn’t that the best part? 🙂

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