Love You Forever

When I was a child, my mother and father would read to me all the time.  We had the favorites that were read over and over again…The Monster at the End of this Book (which was a favorite of my fathers), The True Story of the Three Little Pigs, and the one that made my mom cry no matter how many times it was read… Love you Forever.

As a child, the true message and emotion of Love you Forever was lost on me.   I just thought it was hilarious that the baby messed up the bathroom and that the mother compared her house to a zoo.  And I wasn’t heartless enough to not find the young man rocking his mother to sleep as sweet, I just didn’t get upset about the story, and wasn’t sure why my mom choked up so much.

Then, when I was older,  I reread the story from a possible mother’s point of view and cried like a baby.  I realize now that I don’t cry because the mother in the story is sick or because the young man grew up and wasn’t a little boy anymore, I cry because I am lucky enough to have parents, who no matter what kind of crap I pulled….will love me forever.

My mom and dad didn’t sing to me every night, we weren’t that kind of family.  I was tucked in every…single..night.  I was showered with hugs and kisses and ‘I love yous.’  No matter how busy we all were, we always ate dinner together, and discussed our days.  My parents taught me what love and family is all about, and they are the reason I am who I am.  They are the reason, that no matter how many times I read or will read Love you Forever, I will cry.

I look forward to the day when I can tuck my little ones in and read Love you Forever to them.  I know I will cry, and my own children will not understand right away why, but I hope that one day it suddenly occurs to them, as it did for me.  One day I hope they feel loved the way I felt it and still feel it.  I hope they understand that no matter what, I will love them forever.

6 thoughts on “Love You Forever”

  1. Such a sweet slice! I just love the message of that book…and Aubrey loves that her Aunt Jessica got it for her when she was still waiting to be born:)

  2. My mom also read this to me almost every night and when I had my son she bought him that for his little library at home so that I could read it to him. I haven’t read it to him yet, but I think you’ve inspired me to bring that book out tonight!

  3. This is a lovely tribute to your parents and the way they raised you. Thanks for sharing! Check out the book Someday…that one gets me every time.

  4. This book is a favorite in our house as well. Especially because this was a favorite of Mollie’s favorite teacher. Funny that I was reading your post and Mollie said, “I miss Miss Joyce, mommy” at that exact moment. I hope that you share this story and it’s message with your children!

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