Gone Fishin’

Everyone has that time of day that is perfect for brainstorming. My perfect time of day is first thing in the morning when I am getting ready for work. When the house is quiet. When it’s just me and my thoughts.

That’s when I go fishing.

I go fishing for ideas. Throwing out lines and hoping they catch. Sometimes my pond is overfilling. Sometimes one of those lines catch immediately.

Lines flow freely. Quickly. Effortlessly.

Before I know it I have a Slice. A Slice just waiting for me to reel it in and write it down.

But other mornings, my pond is quite dry.

I throw out lines. But nothing seems to grab hold. I think I have a line, but when I reel it in, nothing seems to catch. So I throw it back.

I throw more lines out. Nothing catches. Every line seems like too much work. Too forced. I keep throwing them out and keep reeling nothing in.

Today was one of those mornings. Maybe I was distracted.

Distracted by Friday. Distracted by the sunlight. Distracted by the weekend looming on the horizon.

Today I went fishing, and didn’t catch anything.

7 thoughts on “Gone Fishin’”

  1. I agree, I think you caught a clever slice and I think every writer (aka slicer) can identify with it. I know I can. The analogy to fishing is wonderful. Thanks for making me smile.

  2. What a fabulous metaphor! Isn’t it funny how sometime inspiration strikes at the oddest times, but often doesn’t when you’re fishing for it.

  3. Oh but you did!!!! You caught something great! This is so true as we navigate through March! Love this!!

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