
Hi, my name is Jessica, and I suffer from tsundoku (tsoon-doh-koo).

No, I am not an expert at Sudoku, although I do love a good number puzzle.  No, tsundoku means to purchase books faster than they can be read.  To let them pile up in different areas of your home. To stockpile books as if preparing for Doomsday.

I couldn’t think of a better word to describe my addiction.  I love books!! But I don’t borrow them from libraries.  I don’t read them on my Kindle.  Very rarely do I mooch them off my friends.   I buy them.  And I’m not ashamed.

I have bookshelves overflowing with hardcovers.  I have paperbacks that double as decorations.  I have short stories in the bathroom for company.   And fiction by my bedside to cure the occasionally bouts of insomnia.

Having an excessive amount of books allows me to have variety in my life.  A surplus of books gives me options.  I will never not have a new book to read.  I will always have a book to share.

My bookshelves are brimming with worlds to visit, characters to connect to, and emotions to experience.

Hi, my name is Jessica, and I suffer from tsundoku.  And I wouldn’t have it any other way.



9 thoughts on “Tsundoku”

  1. Such a cute slice! I love that you wrote about your book obsession (and made me feel better about the two new books I bought today while still having multiple stacks waiting to be read)!

  2. OMG- this is amazing! Where did you encounter this word? It is perfect to describe so many of us, myself included. My TBR pile is resembling the Leaning Tower of Pisa at this point. Thank you so much for sharing this word!!

  3. Yes, absolutely! There is something sad about a nightstand not teetering with books awaiting their turn. Thanks for this slice!

  4. Haha, I’m right there with you. I know that I need to set aside more time to read, but I have a whole section on my book shelf and a stack next to my bed. I prefer books over electronic 110%. An the bathroom short stories…the best! We should start a book swap at school!

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