Is It Worth It?


My alarm sounded at 4:20 AM, like it does every Monday morning.  This morning, I wanted nothing more than to shut it off and snuggle back into my warm blanket.  Hopefully falling back into dream land quickly.

It’s freezing outside!

There’s no school today!

It’s a perfect day to sleep in!

All these excuses whined in my ear, but I shook them off, got up, and put my gym clothes on.

Now, if you know anything about me, I am not the type of person to get up early unless it is absolutely necessary, so getting up early on a day off?  No way!  Getting up early, on a day off, to go to the gym?!  Are you crazy?  That is, until about 8 months ago.

Over summer break, my sister asked me to visit her gym with her.  She knew I was looking to get back into working out, and she thought I’d like the place.  There was one catch, she could only go at 5 AM because of work.

The gym?

At 5AM?

On summer break?

Now it should have been a hard no, but I was intrigued.  And I am not one to try new things alone, so it was 5AM or nothing.

That first morning was ROUGH!  My alarm went off, and I was one snooze from ditching my sister.  Unfortunately, an early workout was nothing compared to an angry sister, so I went.

The workout was great, painful since it had been over a year, but great.  The people were really awesome – especially for 5 o’clock in the morning.  But the best part?  How productive I was when I got home!  Granted I wanted a nap by 10, but eventually I learned to fight through it. (Coffee helped out a bit.)

Since then, I haven’t looked back.  I get up early four days a week.  I look forward to working out.  I’ve met some amazing people.  And I feel great!

Guess there are some things worth waking up before the sun for.

4 thoughts on “Is It Worth It?”

  1. I can relate! Though, my workout buddy can only go later in the evening, after we’ve both worked long, hard days- we could go home and chill and make dinner together, but we decide to suck it up and hit the gym together. Couples who work out together stay together, right?! Lol- but working out with someone is always SO much better! Do you guys take a class or just work out? Try some HIIT workouts- great, quick, fun, and gets “the job” done! 🙂

  2. Those early workouts are so hard, but I have definitely grown to love them, too! Thanks for letting me be part of your 5am workout fam!

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